Kako nadzirati stopnje svetlosti v sistemu Windows 10

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Svetlost monitorja lahko upravljate s funkcijskimi tipkami na tipkovnici. Ko tapnete tipke za povečanje ali zmanjšanje svetlosti, Windows 10 zmanjša svetlost za določeno raven. Ni mogoče nadzorovati stopnje svetlosti, ko uporabljate namenske gumbe. Če želite boljši nadzor, boste morali uporabiti drsnik za svetlost. Če želite nadzorovati svetlost, ko spremenite svetlost s tipkovnico, lahko to storite s skriptom AutoHotkey.

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Ravni povečanja svetlosti

Prepričajte se, da je v sistemu nameščen samodejni ključek.

Odprite Notepad in vanj prilepite naslednje. Ta skript je napisal uporabnik Reddit yet_another_usr.

razred BrightnessSetter {; qwerty12 - 27.5.17.; https://github.com/qwerty12/AutoHotkeyScripts/tree/master/LaptopBrightnessSetter. statični _WM_POWERBROADCAST: = 0x218, _osdHwnd: = 0, hPowrprofMod: = DllCall ("LoadLibrary", "Str", "powrprof.dll", "Ptr") __New () { če (BrightnessSetter IsOnAc (AC)) this._AC: = AC. if ((this.pwrAcNotifyHandle: = DllCall ("RegisterPowerSettingNotification", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd, "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE (), "UInt", DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE: = 0x00000000, "Ptr"))); Na žalost je povratni klic prešel v * PowerSettingRegister * Obvestilo poteka na novem nitku. OnMessage (this._WM_POWERBROADCAST, ((this.pwrBroadcastFunc: = ObjBindMethod (to, "_On_WM_POWERBROADCAST")))) } __Delete () { če (this.pwrAcNotifyHandle) { OnMessage (BrightnessSetter._WM_POWERBROADCAST, this.pwrBroadcastFunc, 0), DllCall ("UnregisterPowerSettingNotification", "Ptr", this.pwrAcNotifyHandle), this.pwrAcNotifyHandle: = 0., this.pwrBroadcastFunc: = "" } } SetBrightness (prirastek, skok: = napačno, showOSD: = res, autoDcOrAc: = -1, ptrAbodyScheme: = 0) { statični PowerGetActiveScheme: = DllCall ("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerGetActiveScheme", "Ptr"), PowerSetActiveScheme: = DllCall ("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerSetActiveScheme", "Ptr"), PowerWriteACValueIndex: = DllCall ("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerWriteACValueIndex", "Ptr"), PowerWriteDCValueIndex: = DllCall ("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerWriteDCValueIndex", "Ptr"), PowerApplySettingChanges: = DllCall ("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerApplySettingChanges", "Ptr"), če (prirast == 0 & &! Skok) { če (showOSD) BrightnessSetter._ShowBrightnessOSD () vrnitev. } if (! ptrAbodyScheme? DllCall (PowerGetActiveScheme, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr *", currSchemeGuid, "UInt") == 0: DllCall ("powrprof \ PowerDuplicateScheme", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", ptrAbodyScheme, "Ptr *", currSchemeGuid, "UInt") == 0) { če (autoDcOrAc == -1) { če (to! = svetilnost) AC: = to._AC. } else { če (! BrightnessSetter IsOnAc (AC)) { DllCall ("LocalFree", "Ptr", currSchemeGuid, "Ptr") vrnitev. } } } else { AC: =!! autoDcOrAc. } currBrightness: = 0. if (skok || BrightnessSetter._GetCurrentBrightness (currSchemeGuid, AC, currBrightness)) { maxBrightness: = BrightnessSetter. GetMaxBrightness (), minBrightness: = BrightnessSetter. GetMinBrightness (), če (skok ||! ((CurrBrightness == maxBrightness & & prirast> 0) || (currBrightness == minBrightness &&rement 
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maxBrightness) prirastek: = maxBrightness. drugače če (currBrightness + prirast

Na sam konec tega prilepite naslednje. To je del skripta, ki ga boste prilagodili svojim potrebam. Naslednje spremeni svetlost s tipkama Page Up in Page Down na tipkovnici. Spremeni se za 10, tj. Ko enkrat pritisnete tipko Page Up, se svetlost poveča za deset stopenj.

Stopnje uredite na vse, kar potrebujete. Lahko ga na primer spremenite v 1 in -1, da dobite boljši nadzor nad svetlostjo.

BS: = nova BrightnessSetter () PgUp:: BS.SetBrightness (10) PgDn:: BS.SetBrightness (-10)

Skript shranite s pripono datoteke AHK in jo zaženite. S tipkami, ki ste jih nastavili, prilagodite svetlost.

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